Installing/Servicing: Telephone, Data Networks Since 1981
Call us: 908-428-1130
Because of Internet innovation, now is the time for the Multiple Communications Technology (MCT)
Ask Novacom about our implementation technologies' migration to the Internet Protocol (IP) platform. We offer and support top performance, training, service, and aggressive price acquisition cost; low Total Cost Of Ownership (TCOO)..
Novacom's Internet Protocol (IP) offers integrated systems since 1981. Bundled IP with world class on site service.
All technologies on this page are IP Based. Elect Novacom as your single technology vendor.
NJ Licenses: 34BA00020500 (Burglar, Video, Access Control), 34FX00001700 (Fire), Exempt 172 (Voice and Data Wiring).
The Call Center
A most overlooked resource for high demand call repoonse teams and telemarketers.
Let a Call Cener improve customer satisfaction and reduce costs
Faster and more secure Local Area Networking
Novacom builds your computer CAT 6, UTP wire plant, wireless access points to workstations and the Internet. Uniquely, Novacom goes a step above by interconnecting door Access Control, and WI Fi, wireless access. We build WI Fi wireless access networks. Internet security is our SonicWall (Dell) firewall and Cisco data switches. Learn More
Business Telephone Systems
Novacom is partnered with all top line providers including: Verizon, Cablevision, Comcast, and top Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC) including Cooperative Communication and Monmouth Telecom.
Paging System for office and or large spaces
A system that generates clear voice. In many cases, Occupation and Safety Health Administration (OSHA) requires a visual and voice annunciation in an evacuation situation.
Remote Worker Benefits
The Avaya remote worker solution assumes that a traditional office desk phone is best for a collaborative interaction for on and off site coworkers. Any worker can use their desk phone at the offiice site or remotely..
Access Control and Get Staff Accountibility-Please click the graphic.
Access Doors
Control access to your site. Have electronic locks that are released by your election of one or more media inlcuding: keypads, key fobs, cards, bio-readers, and any combinations that are all based on staff functions and need to access parameters that you design and you manage locally or remote.
Staff Accountibility
Ask Novacom about our accountibility program. Keep track of the whereabouts of your staffers.
Integration of Access Control, Video, Burglar and Fire Detection.
Fire Detection-Why you need an evaluation of your fire detection/protection systems.
Why your site may be in fire Code non compliance and risk loss of life.
Local town officials administer the use of fire protection and detection systems. They employ national and international life safety standards call Codes. Your site's compliance to the latest fire code unless upgraded is not compliant with standards that save lives. Thus, you pass your annual fire inspection without the latest life safety. Compliance means better life safety.
Ask Novacom about an evlaution of the level of life safty afforded by your town approved fire detection.